How can we help?
We offer proofreading and copyediting services for manuscripts of all sizes. Not quite ready for editing? We also offer alpha, beta reading and sensitivity reading to help shape your story.
Editing services
A highly detailed edit of your work, copyediting looks at grammar, syntax, style and clarity of expression. Your work is assessed at the granular line and paragraph level for accuracy, flow and consistency.
2 passes of your manuscript with Track Changes and Comments
An Editor’s Report containing a style sheet and notes
Editing service
Proofreading is a check of your final draft for any errors or formatting inconsistencies. There is no significant textual intervention at this stage beyond tidying things up and checking that the document is complete.
2 passes of your manuscript with Track Changes and Comments
Custom quotes
If you’re after something a little different, we can work with you and arrange a custom quote. Get in touch and let us know how we can help!
Reading service
Alpha reading
This is usually one of the first rounds of feedback on your draft. Your work is assessed by a fellow writer for areas where improvements might be made, from plot and overall theme to characterisation and dialogue.
1 pass of your manuscript with Comments
A detailed series of notes and the option of a follow-up call
Reading service
Beta reading
Submit your story for helpful feedback and commentary on your story. A beta read is a helpful second round of feedback on a subsequent draft, and is designed to capture reader feedback before the manuscript enters editing stages.
1 pass of your manuscript with Comments
A detailed series of notes
Reading service
Sensitivity reading
If your work contains LGBTQIA+ contexts, you may wish to have an experienced pair of eyes read through your work for authentic or credible representations. Our sensitivity reading service keeps inclusivity and accuracy in mind when looking at characters, dialogue and overarching themes.
1 pass of your manuscript with Comments
A detailed series of notes and the option of a follow-up call
What our authors have to say